Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday Cake Strife

I'm all of a tizz tonight. It's Mister C's birthday tomorrow and I've set out to bake a chocolate fudge cake- the trouble is our little fan forced convection oven has burnt it within 10 minutes of it being under the heat. That's on the lowest setting too! Our (rented) apartment was built many decades ago, and whilst I appreciate the questionable turquoise hue of the carpets and borders on the wall (to compliment their minty shade) there was no oven to be seen. So we've been making do with this little heat machine, and whilst it's perfect for moussakas, and lasagnas, baking is another matter entirely. Cake number 2 is in the oven now and we'll see what happens.
If it fails there's always the promise of a dinner date, some wine and karaoke.

This was taken earlier this year at my birthday celebration. Those are happy karaoke faces.

Nanowrimo novel is coming along swimmingly, as soon as uni is finished for the semester next week I'll have plenty more time to get my fingers dirty with it. I don't think I quite realised what an undertaking it would be, but it'll be good to have a challenge once uni is taken care of.


  1. Hi Mandy!

    How's your Nanowrimo project going? Would love to hear from you over on the blog if you get the chance!

    Andrea x

  2. hello,darling! How lovely to meet you!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    ooo,I'm always up for a goodie swap,email me!
    ...and make it clear who you are as I'm terribly suspicious@!hahaha!
    Lawrence is a darling!!!
